
Wednesday, September 22, 2010

IMHO: OsoCozy Diaper Review

Have you ever started out hating something, and then wake up one day and realize that you actually like it? It always surprises me when that happens--especially when it happens after I've already decided to sell something. Well, this is the story of my love-hate-love relationship with OsoCozy diapers.

OsoCozy All-In-One Cloth Diapers
Price: $12.95-$13.95
These diapers are made in the USA by stay-at-home moms & grandmas. Like almost all AIO's, they have a soft, waterproof outershell made of PUL (Polyurethane Laminate). Unlike most AIO's, the inner is NOT made of synthetic fabrics. Instead, it is made of 100% cotton gauze prefold cloth diapers--the trusty, dependable diaper moms have used for years.
Care: Machine WashableClosure: Hook & Loop Aplix brand
Colors: White, Green, Aqua

Sizing: SMALL 7-13lbs MEDIUM 13-18lbs LARGE 18-25lbs TODDLER 25-35lbs

If you know anything about me, you know that frugality and practicality are top priorities for me. So, it's probably not too surprising that when I found these diapers for a super price, I jumped at the chance to try them out. After my husband and I made the decision to cloth diaper, I started looking into the different options and became quite overwhelmed by all the decisions and the initial cost. I really didn't want to shell out $$$ only to find that I didn't like a diaper or find that it leaked.

Aside from the great price, the other thing that made me what to try the OsoCozy AIO's was the innovative construction. Although I've never used prefolds as diapers, when Moriah was born she was the spit-up queen and prefolds were the only thing I could find to use as burp cloths that could absorb the spit-up fast enough. From that experience, I knew that prefolds were super absorbant and I like the idea of using prefolds without having to deal with Snappi's/pins and covers. Although they're not the cutest diapers ever, it did seem like a fabulous marriage of functionality and frugality--so I bought 6.

The diapers arrived fairly quickly and even though my baby wasn't due for another couple of months I prepped them right away in excited anticipation :) The diapers looked super cute and seemed to be very well made. I was sure that I would love these diapers--I showed them to friends and started to plot my next purchase of them.

Fast forward a few weeks to baby's arrival and our foray in to cloth diapering. Can I just say I was completely unprepared for how HUGE cloth diapers look on newborns? It didn't seem to matter what brand (I didn't have any "Newborn" sizes) or type I tried at first, they all seemed to swallow Jocie! Enter my dislike of my new OsoCozy diapers. I had been so excited to try these and then they completely engulfed my little girl. The fit seemed awkward, the tabs overlapped so they wouldn't lay flat and the diaper just seemed so bulky. I did NOT like to put these on my tiny princess! I would have sold them immediately if it wasn't for the fact that I had next to no cloth diapers and without these I'd have to use disposables for part of the day. Mind you, my dislike of this diaper had nothing to do with the actual performance--it just conflicted with my aesthetic values--I have yet to see this diaper leak. After putting up with this diaper for a few weeks, I was shocked one day to find myself wanting to put this diaper on my baby. Now that she has filled out a bit more, the tabs don't overlap and the diapers are actually TRIM under her clothes :)

PERFORMANCE: The bottomline--this is a GREAT diaper. It has never once leaked! Even on nights when Jocie has slept for 8+ hours, there was only slight wicking coming through the label. I love that it's 100% cotton against her skin. I give it a 4.9/5

USE: This diaper couldn't be much easier to use unless it put itself on the baby! Simply fasten the aplix and you're done. I give it a 5/5

CARE: I love that there are no complicated routines to follow with this diaper--just rinse, wash, rinse and then tumble dry on low or line dry. Like most AIO's, it does take longer to dry than hybrids or pockets, but it doesn't take any longer than my other AIO's. The biggest issue I have is that the tabs don't seem to stay attached to the laundry tabs and I end up with diaper chains--an issue I could easily fix if I wanted to make separate laundry tabs to attach before washing. I give it a 4/5

FIT: I bought the size small, which is supposed to fit babies from 7-13lbs. I started using them on Jocie when she was about 8.5lbs. Although they looked HUGE on her, they never leaked and weren't any bigger on her than our BumGenius small AIO's. She's about 9.5lbs and they fit her quite well--and look like they'll fit her for a while longer. Now that she fits into the diaper better, they are actually quite trim on her. I give it a 4/5

DURABILITY: I have been using these for about 6 weeks now and they seem to be holding up well. The inner cotton (the prefold) is in great condition, has no stains and gets more absorbant the more it is washed. The outer PUL has some pills on it due to the tabs coming undone in the wash and snagging the PUL. The Aplix is still in fabulous condition. I give it a 4.5/5

APPEARANCE: Again, these aren't the cutest diapers on the planet and with only 3 color choices it's not likely that anyone will be buying these diapers for their looks. Luckily for OsoCozy, most people who cloth diaper care more about the function of their diapers than the form--especially the cost-conscious. I give it a 3/5

COST/VALUE: These are some of the most affordable All-In-Once Cloth diapers available. They average about $2 less than most AIO's available from the big name brands--spread that over several diapers per size, and the savings would be pretty significant! I give it a 4.5/5

OVERALL: 4.3/5 Although I went through a short period of hating these diapers, I actually find that these are some of the first diaper I reach for once my BumGenius AIO's are soiled. I reach for these before my pockets and before my Flips!

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Old Fashioned Adventures....

I never got to meet my paternal grandma. She died as a result of a tragic car accident when my dad was only 11. Grandma Doris left behind a legacy both through her children as well as her writing. Growing up, I loved it when my mom would read us stories from "Musings of a Mother" --a collection of Doris' musings on motherhood, being a wife and a follower of Jesus Christ and "Mommy of the Mixing Bowl"--a biography of grandma Doris' life.

As a child I loved the stories because it was a way to "meet" my grandma and hear about my dad's childhood. Now as an adult and mother of two, these musings are treasures of wisdom that I can learn from. The world I live in today is vastly different than it was 60 years ago when Doris penned these thoughts, but the life lessons she share still are so relevant! Today I find myself wishing that my copy of the book wasn't hiding in storage--I can't wait until we move into our new house and I get to upack it! So, in case you were wondering about the title of my blog...this is where it came from!

As for the old fashioned adventures, I am a stay at home momma and find myself thoroughly enjoying it! I love baking, sewing, photography, being with my sweet little girls and most recently cloth diapering. I thought it might be fun to chronicle my adventures for anyone who might be interested. SO here it goes....